According to new research reported in Marketing Charts, almost two-thirds (64%) of global respondents overall agreed that they try to buy products from brands that act responsibly, even if it means spending more, while 29% disagreed. Within the US a slim majority (53%) of respondents agreed that they try to buy products from brands that act responsibly, even if it means spending more, while one-third (33%) disagreed. Research also found that the majority of Americans prefer to buy from sustainable brands.
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This post is brought to you by 123 eGuides, publisher of authoritative, affordable guides to help small businesses get the most from your marketing. Now available: The updated, revised Third Edition of the popular eGuide, Branding 123, that details a 3-part system for how small marketers can build a breakthrough brand. Included in the Third Edition are profiles of 5 small brands that grew up using techniques similar to those outlined in Branding 123. Read more about this eGuide here.