Sure, you've seen a ton of similar assessments recently... but this particular list of digital branding and marketing trends from Washington, DC agency the Borenstein Group is punchy, relevant, and right on the money.
Here are the first five trends as they appear on the list... read the others, and take a look at the handy infographic of all ten trends, at this link:
- Psych: It’s Your Data. Cognitive insights derived from advanced analytics will help marketers better understand and predict digital behavior.
- It’s Not What You Do, It’s Where You Do It. GPS-Based SEO overtakes keywords as mobile dominates search.
- It’s the Content, Stupid. Content Marketing will face an existential challenge as CMOs will demand hard conversion metrics that can be effectively communicated in the board room.
- You’ll Need a New Blue Pill to cure Connectile Dysfunction in content marketing. Marketers will struggle to develop and differentiate between authentic and relevant content and what robotically-generated marketing automation systems offer.
- You’re Mobile, Therefore You Are. Like the ways of the dinosaurs, desktops will continue to fade in favor of mobile ads, and websites will transform from a novelty in B2C to a main staple for all digital advertising.